Monday, November 28, 2005

This morning as I got out of bed ….ok ok after hitting the sleep button 3 times going for #4, I heard ‘discipline’.
I knew to get up and come out here and spend time w/You, but I wonder if other areas of my life couldn’t use some discipline? I know with the holidays eating will get 'out of hand'…’what it’ I instilled or begged You Father to help me …become more ...
Disciplined to :
Eat less
Move more
Drink more water
A simple start…….Childlike versus childish in responding to discipline……Childish pouts and wastes time in complying…Childlike…so dependent upon her Father……

Emma’s ‘fit’ yesterday. Her parents lovingly trying LOVINGLY TRYING to ‘figure out’ how to help her express her emotions. They saw her frustration and her body just not knowing what was going on that there were some pent up frustrations and they were attempting to FREE her from being bound up in being unable to express them and inappropriately…childishly…just throwing a fit.
In the midst of her fit she is inconsolable, she can’t see or hear or express anything- she is frustrated and when Lynz and Paul relentlessly pursued her in the midst of it....knowing BETTER than she what she needed…and yet as a Father, Paul never imposed his will on her – he/they just consistently and persistently ‘disciplined’ her w/ their presence, their words and finally a spanking….Emma progressed from childish to childlike…hmmmm
PROGRESSED…we are all children of God some of us just more childish than others…??
Throwing fits, wanting what we want and all the while our Daddy, our Abba Father is there and cannot get us to accept…cannot give us, get us to accept what we need- what HE knows is best for us….Childish TO Childlike….


so i go said...

happy belated thanksgiving..

and, yup.. i'm childlike right along with you. love that last paragraph.

Melissa said...

Help me to go from Childish to Childlike...Lord this is my prayer!

How absolutely true...Becky still gonna email you on the Devo's...I have a list of things I need to do!

Take Care!