Just struck this morning by the different roles women play in our lives and even though we have our faults our sins.......as women what would we do without other women in our lives....no matter how they frustrate and or bless us!
Praises for the seasons. What an AMAZING GOD you know w/the creativity and wisdom to give us seasons to grow....to die.....to thrive....to rest in......just... if left to our own selfish devices we wouldn't have had the creativity and wisdom to create so much diversity. He knew....He knows.....
Praises for the diversity in the animal kingdom...again such CREATIVITY. Did you know the woodpecker has a cushion between his beak and his brain so he doesn't kill himself pounding at things! (If He did that for the woodpecker how much MORE He did in and for us!) God created so many amazing wonderful creatures.

The diversity in us humans is praiseworthy as well...the different personality and strengths and yes weaknesses He placed in each individual and our struggle is to learn how to grow and appreciate each other....to be grown by each other...it's staggering how much thought He put into each one of us! Making some people with technical minds that have developed the world wide web making communication with each other possible...getting to meet people here we would never get to meet across the country.....Giving others the gift of TEACHING so our children benefit from the knowledge and experiences of our History..... Chefs and cooks who experiment and perfect foods...combining foods giving us so much pleasure and then those gifted with creating dining experiences to enjoy the food the chefs or cooks have created......You could go on and on you know, so many different gifts and passions in a world beyond our scope of imagination and yet HE did...imagine it all......create all of it.
Praises for the natural wonders of this amazing planet.....waterfalls and mountains......valleys and trees (so many different species of trees again with the creativity!) ......the vastness of the oceans ...the tides.....sunrises and sunsets.....
I love this Danielle.....beginning the day in PRAISE really looking at the STUFF we are surrounded with and celebrating where it came from.... to often I wake up looking at what I don't have instead of celebrating what I am surrounded by....
2 Kings 6: 16 "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."
What if ...you know....what if I operated in that....that being protected if not necessarily SAFE place...That He is ahead of me .....That He has my back and all I have to do is operated in THAT inbetween scary place! What an amazing God! Praises for all that He IS, has done and continues to do.......
I thank God for you.
Cool post, Becky!
I thank God for you!
These are wonderful praises! I love the woodpecker photo. You mentioned the woodpecker last week. Amazing how this little guy is designed! God is in the details!
Thanks for the linkage! Praising God for you!
I think every creation is a tiny picture of God...of His Son....yes and amen, praise Him for His creation...
love the praise for women in our llives...they are so necessary and for me soo appreciated! Thanks for the remeinders!
inspiring praises... thankyou!
I just found your blog from your comment on barbaras blog.... AMEN to all your praise and wondr at the mighty wonder of Almighty God!!!
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