Thursday, August 31, 2006

Been without a computer
Stuck with all these BRILLIANT thoughts……
Been praying a lot instead of blogging, instead of reading other blogs.

Been thinking about the story of the Prodigal….being the Elder and hating it (being the elder).

Been thinking about going from Earner to Heir……going from thinking I could ‘earn’ God’s Grace to just accepting that in Christ, through my accepting His sacrifice….I am an HEIR…..
an Heir to God’s grace and in being an heir comes responsibility.
How to LIVE in my inheritance?

So I think I will stay in the quiet for awhile….
In prayer….


Remnant Sons MC said...

wanted to say thanks for the words.
yours were as a sweet perfume while I was away.

be well...
and remain unsatisfied.

Candy said...

Keep thinking, keep praying, keep listening. I know I need to do the same. Turn off the computer and quit this incessant surfing. But I see Him here too, in words like yours.

Jada's Gigi said...

Good place to be....with Him...

karen said...

Don't stay away too long...