It's always the simple things
it's always the obvious that crashes over me
It's always in front of me
it helps me to remember
this is what I live for and I can't wait
Chorus: I'll wake up to find Your glory defined and
I will finally bow at your feet
I will lift up your name in honor and praise
when I cross over Jordan
I know that I'll be running home to you
Maybe that’s my problem….the so heavenly minded of no earthly good…piece. But….no but, no maybe, no excuses …. THAT is it?? And now what to DO with that?? It’s always the obvious that crashes over me, always right in front of me…..
I’m not saying…I don’t know what I’m saying so I’ll just write it out…I have been and probably will forever BE about ME but my hearts desire it to BE about YOU…….You know this and are trying to help me to help ALL OF US….. It's always the simple things it's always the obvious that crashes over me It's always in front of me it helps me to remember this is what I live for and I can't wait
Aha I remember what I was thinking as I drove to work this morning, after having had an amazing breakfast with my son talking about You in his life....anyway I digress...(geez is it any wonder I forget stuff??!!)
Anyway....I read this article this morning and well here it is…. and the quote that I was thinking about this morning….
BAGGS: I have a poster on my wall that says "Are you one of us? Take this easy test and find out. Either every one of us is valuable, vulnerable, and worthy of human respect and protection... Or none of us is, which makes mankind king cockroach on planet Earth. Pick one." I think it will take a lot more people picking the first option and seriously living by it.
This woman is AUTISTIC and her communication skills are just being revealed and……And what I was thinking was what if I spent more time trying to UNDERSTAND people than worrying about whether they UNDERSTAND me…….It's always the simple things it's always the obvious that crashes over me It's always in front of me it helps me to remember this is what I live for and I can't wait
So can I live here……can I be obedient to what I hear???
Psalm 90: 12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Thank you for continuing to wrestle and wonder and draw Him in...
I have a motto in my profession and in life
Understanding brings healing
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