Friday, May 25, 2007

Today is Lynz's BIRTHDAY and she is 29……so if she’s like most women this will be her last one ;) which for me is good because I will never be old enough to have a daughter who is 30…but see there I go making this about ME and I want it to be about her.

She is a joy.
She is a seeking heart…..pursuing a relationship with God through Christ that is a particular joy to watch. She is of course as broken as the rest of us and in that brokenness drawing nearer and nearer to the one who comforts.
She hasn’t had an easy year and in that struggle there have been glimpses of a wholeness that from the outside looking in makes the struggle look worth it.
She is intelligent and yet never throws that at you. (as a child they even called her gifted)
She is wise and becoming wiser.
She is soft and becoming softer.
She is strong and becoming stronger in the weakness that her struggles have revealed.
She is physically beautiful and in the never quite knowing that even more beautiful.

She is an understanding and grace filled wife and becoming in her brokenness and His grace more so.
She is a fun and loving Mom to E and G…..and pregnant now!!
She is an amazing daughter, the one we learned through, the one we probably marred the most in our ineptness and yet has forgiven is forgiving and in that forgiveness teaching us/me so much.
She is a fighter and conqueror and yet never makes you feel beaten.
She is sincere.
She is a great friend and is learning to redefine that word.
She is an amazing communicator ........a wordsmith.....and when she gets the confidence to communicate with you.....well she is learning to trust God in that communication which will leave an amazing legacy for her own children.
She is precious beyond words but I had to try.
She is a blessing.
Love you Lynz…


holy chaos said...

what a beautiful post about your daughter!

she is blest to eb who she is and to have a mom like you!

what a beautiful family!

CoNGRATS on the baby!

Bar L. said...

This is really beautiful. Somehow I am not surprised that she takes after her mom in many ways :)

And she is beautiful....all three of your children are (ok, your son is handsome, but you know what I mean).

When is grandbaby #3 due?

MaryAnn Mease said...

i really liked this line:"She is an amazing daughter, the one we learned through, the one we probably marred the most in our ineptness and yet has forgiven is forgiving and in that forgiveness teaching us/me so much.

waiting for the healing and forgiveness....but the first part is truth all the way.

RusticateGirl said...

How sweet! your daughter should be so lucky as well.