Thursday, January 12, 2006

Weird and yet intriguing.....

80 ADULTS and 11 YOUTH and 44 CHILDREN
Pray instead of worry and realize THIS is an answered prayer in itself and NOT a problem to be managed.....but an experience to be ......a situation to be ....prepared for....????
I don't know....I don't know what I thought was going to far... I guess out of the kid stage that I truly didn't have my brain wrapped around THAT and's not a PROBLEM it is .......I don't know what it is but with You as our focus, with the mission as the goal......It's gonna be ........something....THERE that says it without definition or boxing anything's gonna be SOMETHING.......
Genesis 29-30 Jacob kinda bossy and forward....just went and kissed Rachel...must be something in a commentary somewhere that explains that behaviour?? Jacob....what a character, cheats his brother and yet his Mom's favorite?? What is it about these characters of the Bible......they are so HUMAN...
Wow have I just recognized that?? I've heard it from others but in my stubbornness it only makes sense as I begin to recognize ......???? I want to make excuses and say BUT BUT BUT.....and it may be that THAT is just the truth of it and... IF it's true for me it may be true for others and that makes it easier to say what I believe and know that I'm not put on this earth to convince anyone but to follow....I am a SHEEP......again YOU said and I am just NOW hearing it????

Luke 29: 20 So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her....Ain't that the truth...and applied to God it is sooo true.....because of my love for YOU I can do things I never thought possible...HOW did I fall in love with you and is that even a correct comparision??? But when I am focused on YOU, being loved by and loving You.....there doesn't seem to be anything that is impossible......that is ......and when it's not about ME but about YOU then ......then I'm not scared?? I am so into You and being protected by YOU that ........I don't know maybe taking too many liberties and thinking too deeply or NOT deeply enough????? Jacob so loved Rachel he didn't blink about working another 7 years......what could I do if I just DID FOCUS ON YOU????????

Genesis 29:31 When the LORD saw that Leah was not loved, he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren. 32 Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, "It is because the LORD has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now."
33 She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, "Because the LORD heard that I am not loved, he gave me this one too." So she named him Simeon. [
34 Again she conceived, and when she gave birth to a son she said, "Now at last my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons." So he was named Levi.

35 She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, "This time I will praise the LORD." So she named him Judah. [
e] Then she stopped having children.

Do you see it......Leah's insistence that Jacob LOVE HER....and here's the LORD giving her what she needs or wants or....HE is giving her children and not until the 4th Son does she say....THIS time I will praise the Lord.........again just struck by HOW HUMAN the characters are.......

And then...and then it just gets weird....Leah stops having kids and Rachel can't so she brings a maidservant and then Leah brings one and then they barter sleeping w/Jacob and the whole sheep thing....just to read but kinda weird that's for sure. Now if I just stay and ruminate, ponder or even ignore that it's weird I miss the rest...I miss the supernaturalness of the book , the relevance, the applicability to my life. So I don't want to do that ..but that doesn't mean it's just not weird...??!! But just because it's weird doesn't mean ...well that's just me and my feelings, opinion.......
Luke 12: 31But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
32"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
I love this verse and would like to claim it as my life verse.....Luke 12:31, you know sign letters and notes with it.....and it goes back to falling in love w/Christ, w/God...ok ok you wanna talk about weird.......

hmmmm sell your He serious?? How will I get there, get to where I even WANT to sell them all because let's face it I'm not obedient enough to just DO IT....but what if He makes me want to.....would I, will I , or would I just say' ooooh that's too weird' and talk myself out of it?? For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also....If I am in love w/Christ w/God wouldn't I want to????

And just flat out set us up to be different????? Luke 12: 51Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

And yet we're to be all about LOVE and .....that's it, the division comes when we need LOVE or for me when I need LOVE to tell the truth or to express my opinion or to be known.....but when I just FEEL love and recieve all I need from HIM I am free to in conflict division....???? Be weird???? to love.......

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