you read sites where people have all the answers.
you read sites where they have it all figured out.
you read sites where you want to reach out and those where you want to be in.
live a life of joy, dependent on God.
for we will ALWAYS be a slave to our expectations and our limitations.
how much better to be free
directed by His path, sheltered by His wings, secure in His arms.
And it's like if I don't, LIVE IT (you being enough) that is...
THAT is the biggest sin of all because I KNOW You are......
But if I do, I am a Jesus Freak and if I don't ......what if ......what if someone misses knowing You because I express doubt...what a crock you know...what a crock.
Because YOU do the choosing and yet we must choose YOU......it doesn't make sense and yet IT DOES......
There are people so lonely that death is an attractive option and there are those so into YOU that death is the best option, because in death we get to BE WITH YOU....and yet to Be with You and have those we love NOT........Talk about NOT making sense......but it does....make perfect sense....
You the God of the universe created us to be in community with You and WE chose to ignore you.
You the God of the universe tried over and over again to get our attention and WE chose to ignore you. Oh we would follow for awhile and then just want MORE.....
You the God of the universe realized that we were going to ignore you and want MORE always and instead of washing your hands of us, You gave us yet another chance to CHOOSE YOU.
You the God of the universe sent YOUR SON to die for us.....to forever make a bridge to You........
Jesus lived, died and rose again making that bridge forever.....we just have to choose to accept Him.
But you leave us with FREE WILL.....You so badly want us to CHOOSE You that you leave us with what will allow us to NOT.......You won't do anything we don't want you to do....You make sure the choice is ours.
Then when we make the choice........You clearly show us where we have been wrong. When we commit to You, You gently show us how utterly wrong we were, never before we choose. We probably couldn't take it then. Without the Holy Spirit, the Counselor we would just feel too guilty. We wouldn't see how much You love us, we would just see how we don't deserve THAT love. IN Christ we KNOW we don't deserve it but we also KNOW that YOU JUST DO......love us that is and that through all time You have been desperate for us to CHOOSE YOU......
Why aren't You enough for me???? Because I am human and that part of me will not be DEAD until heaven?????.... So.....now how do I live in a way that shows You....shows that YOU want this for everyone......Shows that You are enough??????
Thank you for your post and the uplifting comments. This post has been rolling through my mind ALOT lately. Why do all people doubt and question? We are sinners and fall short of His grace, and yet the promises He has made are concrete. How wonderful and blessed are we!
Good post and prose!
When you figure this out, will you let us know the answer?? :-)
hmmm.. tough questions, maybe without answers this side of heaven.
you create beautiful prayers for all of us to use. most of your posts we should read once, then read again as an offering to the One who loves to hear from us; even as we doubt, even as we fight the obvious, even as we give in or give up. He wants to be included in the discussion so that His truth can come through. You're a great leader in this regard.
Lead on.
Good words today, my friend.
Why aren't You enough for me???? Because I am human and that part of me will not be DEAD until heaven?????.... So.....now how do I live in a way that shows You....shows that YOU want this for everyone......Shows that You are enough??????
Why? Fear... experience... when was the last time you heard anyone have something good to say about God? Most of the time you hear about how God has failed. Our whole suite of experiences is about disappointment. Why count on God? He'll just drop us when we're no longer convenient, just as a humanf friend would.
It takes time to learn that God is wholly other. It takes time and experience. You begin to see that no matter how far down you are, God will still reach to where you are. He knew you when you hadn't even thought about him.
He doesn't expect us to learn this stuff overnight. It's a complete world change. He gives us the Teacher and the time.
Excellent post!!!!!!
Why isn't God enough for us? We so often add to His words - add service and ministry and how-Christian-am-I checklists, that we often fail to see that God is all we need. All we ever need. Good post...this so speaks to me today, as your words often do (even if I don't make a comment).
Amen and Amen! May He be ENOUGH...everyday...somehow....
No - He is enough...We just have to discover that within ourselves.
Awesome post, and pictures, bjk
and thanks for stopping by, my place.
Why aren't you enough for me?
That question hit me directly in the center of my heart...that pesky little free will thing...
You know though in the end no matter what I do, not matter how great and awesome and holy I am or how absolutel messy, yucky, and evil I am...it doesn't change God and it doesn't change His work...what I've learned is I can't bring someone to Christ, only Christ can stir a sould to Him, I just don't have that much power, nor is there something so terrible that I could do to separate me from that ultimate love...so,
on bended knee I come back to that question...Why aren't You enough for me? (God be enough)
Narcissism is the death of a Soul
A Myopic life steals the future of thoughts beyond yourself
The past lived in today dries the future to dust and we just watch it blow away
I, me, myself is the starting part for all the above.
all in all however we are still important enough that every hair is counted. God is vast to say the least
Glad I found your blog.
Love now tomorrow is not promised to anyone
Wow! I do like Melissa's comment. Shes's on to something!
I have re-read your post and I just have to say...He has done so many things in my life that I didn't choose...I am so eternally grateful that this whole thing is NOT up to me...nothing I say or do can change His work in me or in the earth and only He can stir any soul. He is the one who turns my heart toward Him and He is the one who even gives me repentance to repent. He really is BIG enough to BE enough, He handles it all. I can only chose Him because He gives me the heart to choose so then it is true "Without Him I can do nothing"
I want to discover His incredible vastness more and more!
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