As I read this morning, can I be sensitive, Pray for you to illuminate me with where and how to TODAY live in praise and worship?? As I think about it the easy comes to me, my family............I pray to with an open heart and mind see ........
Ok praise You for Jesus....for us being under the New Covenant of Christ. The old testament what YOU desire(d) for us is so beyond our capabilities or sensibilities or it seems that way.....Number 31: 15 "Have you allowed all the women to live?" he asked them. 16 "They were the ones who followed Balaam's advice and were the means of turning the Israelites away from the LORD in what happened at Peor, so that a plague struck the LORD's people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
So much...OK... it's truth that we influence our men.....that we manipulate them to get what we want. But couldn't the men have stood up to them?? For God to blame us so fully and yet..... I do see the truth in it, doesn't mean I like it or WANT to believe it but truth is truth.......It was Eve who wanted the MORE first. She who wasn't satisfied, not that Adam was, I mean he followed... but he was weaker? Or his time with God walking naked without the influence of Eve would have .....
all speculation and in the bible it says Adam was silent, weren't these men all silent as well and couldn't God have...
but this is about Praise and Worship and I am just glad that Jesus covers me, that I with all my warts and inadequacies am covered by God's grace through Jesus. All just words until ....and now the TRUTH of them moves me to tears.....covered by God's grace through Jesus..... it's not just words and it just touches me all the way through and for that I praise and worship You........Jesus takes care of it now....Jesus ......
Praise and worship You that the journey is so real and personal...once we make it that way. It's always been your intent or that's what it feels like now and I am no theologian out to argue with anyone. Once I stopped thinking it was about religion and saw it about having a relationship with the God of the universe through Jesus. That's not to say You don't want us in community in a church, sharing with other believers but in a religion it can become about US our rules and You want us to be about YOU ...and we can be about YOU as long as we wrestle through the questions with You about all of it. Trusting that Jesus through Your Spirit is guiding us, that we're following Him...I mean how weird is that and yet Praise You that it is so.....praise You that with Your word and through Your Spirit we can hear from You.....we can come to know what You have wanted us to KNOW all along, what You have wanted me to know....That I am loved......And I just want MW and BH and so many people to KNOW THAT LOVE....
Praise and Worship......These 40 days let me not worry about things I cannot change. Let me focus on You and in growing love and dependence on You know that all things are as You want them to be or will be.
Praise and Worship that You are in Charge and even if I understood it all that would make no difference.......
Praise and Worship You for a beautiful spring LIKE day at the tail end of winter.
Praise You for my son, in love hoping to marry a woman who loves him and that they both LOVE YOU.
Praise You for my daughter and her family, enjoying basketball today, getting to relive a piece of their history together.
Praise You for my daughter in L A......involved in a church that celebrates the POWER of you in the ARTS, the power of You to use them to make a difference in the world.
Praise You for my husband, so willing to follow You.
Praise You for my friend who is learning more and more to let You be in control of her life. Praise You for my church loving lost people and wanting them...me to KNOW the Joy of a personal relationship with Jesus.
Praise You that the promise of a seeking heart YOU never deny.
Praise You that in seeking You we find so much more than we ever even knew we were looking for.
Praise You that while we may give up YOU NEVER DO...
Praise You that ...hey maybe this won't be so hard.......
1 comment:
Oh yes, so much to Praise Him in and for....it really is all about HIM..He has covered it all!
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