This is my Granddaughter TRUSTING her Daddy.
Mark 10: 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." 16 And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them..
childlike and soft hearted......not CHILDISH and hard hearted and stubborn.... but childlike and soft, trusting and vulnerable...BIG DIFFERENCE!!
Vulnerable and trusting....
Could you fly like that if you didn't trust Your Daddy??
How bound am I because I don't?
You are ahead and behind.
So much Father...if IF IF I could just operate in the knowing the KNOWING in my heart and mind and soul that YOU are ahead and behind and all I have to do is operate in the portion between...focused on YOU, on YOUR love move in and towards that always....
I don't know how to do that Father.... when I am
hard hearted, stubborn, prideful, self protecting and childish......
but I truly do want to know.....
soft hearted, obedient, humble, vulnerable ........
that's how to operate in the in between of YOU ahead and YOU behind....
soft, obedient, humble, vulnerable, childlike...
I am such a coward.
But I want to fly like Emma!!.....Praise You Father that I am going to keep on focusing on YOU and in that, maybe I will or maybe I already am?
But I want to fly like Emma!!.....Praise You Father that I am going to keep on focusing on YOU and in that, maybe I will or maybe I already am?
bjk, I can see myself in these words that you wrote here, but was a coward to say so!
thanks :)
Excellent....and what a PERFECT illustration that photo is!
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