40 days of worship and praise....woke up this morning grateful. Yup, just grateful and for so much. We went out with our friends last nite and for them I am very grateful. I / we have been friends for, some of us over 20 years. Celebrated a couple of BD's last nite at a Mediterraneanan Cafe', a wine tasting. Well wine and beer for some of the guys. Sitting around a big table for hours just sipping and tasting different wines, appetizers and just laughed. Laughed and talked and.....That's pretty much it. So much laughter. I wish there were depth to the conversations but seeing that as pretty much ME.....I want to celebrate the laughter.
Praise you for Roberta and her directness. Her ability to plan for us our trips, our Girls Nites. Taking care of the details of letting us all know if someone is ill or getting married or has a problem. She is our DIRECTOR and I praise you for gifting her with that special ability.
Praise you for Pam. What a trip that girl is. She of the explosive laughter. She of the soft heart hidden in this really boisterous manner. She of the incredible caring heart. She is our JOY, and I praise you for her heart.
Praise you for Janis. That woman of quiet strength. She never lets us forget about GRACE. She gifted each of us with Yancy's art book, What's So Amazing About Grace and keeps us quietly centered. She is our Quiet Leader and I praise you for her heart seeking You.
Praise you for Cathy. She too is quiet and ready to help us see the reason in something, to help us not get too boisterous. She is our detail gal. Bird may plan it but Cathy is going to make sure we don't t forget anything or anyone. She is our Go To Gal and I praise you for her heart for those details and her ability to quietly cover them with and for us.
Praise you for Karen H.what a trip she is. She of the incredible energy, she too makes sure we KNOW what is going on in each others lives. She doesn't like to see anyone left out and if it has been awhile since we have gotten together....she will make sure we get together, opening her home to us to do it She is our Includer and I praise you for that in her.
Praise you for Karen S. you know Father the love I have for her, the admiration for what she has been through. That she is the quiet light to them, showing them all something.... What she has been through has been endured by seeking You and they see that, they may not fully identify it yet, but they see something... I praise you for that in her, the tenacity , the softness that is new and evident when she, her heart is focused on You.
I am so blessed to have each of them in my life. I praise you Father for a GROUP of friends to do life with. I praise you for their loyalty to each other. I praise you for gifting me with them in my life .
Just looking at this photo makes me long for a community of friends like yours! It's something to be treasured and I know you do! Everyone in this photo looks so HAPPY. Which one is you???
Becky...is that you and hubby in the front! You're so cute!!!
What a great picture! Thank you for sharing!
"celebrating the laughter" is a great theme..
we were with our small group last night too and much of what you've written here resonates through and through.
have a great week, bjk.
So beautiful to see women celebrate and appreciate the gifts of sisters that God has given us. Each so lovely, each precious jewels in His house and in our lives. You are a blessed woman!
Great picture! There is nothing like good, true friends.
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