Praise and Worship that YOU knew / know my heart and love me anyway. As I read this morning I was struck with a knowing about 'fallenness', beyond the word, the concept. Beyond just saying it or seeing it.....there was a knowing....I was struck with taking that knowing into the personal. Seeing how much AGAIN I love, have loved myself. Seeing that I SAW my children as an extension of myself and while it hurt wicked bad I KNOW I needed to see it. SO I am so pleased and relieved that YOU have known all along and loved me anyway. IN reading Soigo / Jeff this morning his vision, his permssion guiding us into the how ....allowing me to see me.....myself giving it to Jesus. I humbly offer it to YOU Father, offer it to Jesus humbly yet joyfully.... without seeing his face and yet feeling his touch in my life. Knowing that He is waiting to accept all of it and Jeff's permission to see HIM accept it.....just what I needed today. I want to live in this love, this knowing...fully aware of my fallenness and forgiveness.......
Praise and Worship that YOU allow us the journey, never forcing us to love You but allowing us to fall in love with YOU......there are no words to adequately, intelligently express this only emotions ..;. I have fallen in love w/You. I in focusing on YOU, YOUR SON...have fallen deeply in love with God. Who do you tell this too, that won't think you have completely gone over the deep end. And yet I have fallen in love with YOU and YOUR journey for us.....I need to stay in the knowing I love you that YOU love me ....believe it..... remember it....
Praise and Worship in loving You we learn to love others.....In falling in love w/YOU my heart is soft and more loving. In focusing on THAT love it seems as though were I to remember YOUR LOVE, remember THIS feeling of loving YOU,it would be easier to submit to others. To react to others....to serve others...to love others......
Praise and Worship in loving others our hearts soften and yield...become transformed.....I don't know is it?? Am I becoming softer??...again this morning it feels like it and in the feeling there is so much hope that IF I continue to focus on what I KNOW I will be transformed......I will be more loving and softer and more yielded??
Praise and Worship that while we lapse or forget, YOU never do and always and always forgive us and welcome us back.
Praise and Worship that once we yield to YOU and submit to the process of learning to love You and others....YOU take us to places we wouldn't be able to go.....we wouldn't KNOW to go...we wouldn't know we wanted to go.....we wouldn't know we were able to go.......That even when the feeling is gone....YOU will be with me and I WILL remember that...or try to ...or YOU will remind me...or....
Just praise You......
Jared, my son is engaged....a marriage, a proposal....grounded in YOU , he and Allison, that is my prayer.....That as they go through this life of hardship and trials, their faith in YOU will sustain and drive them deeper and deeper into YOU.....no matter what they feel they will know that the journey is their purpose. That finding YOU, keeping YOU at the center of their lives will be their reward. Guide my prayers for them Father......
1 comment:
Congratulations to Jared and to you (gorgeous ring!):)
I agree, loving Him, opening ourselves to receive His love makes me so much more open to loving ourselves and others. He makes me softer somehow.....only in keeping my eyes on Him is my heart changed...and when I look away..it begins to return to its hardened state. Lord, help me to keep my eyes on you!
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