The surf that distresses the ordinary swimmer produces in the surf-rider the super-joy of going clean through it. Apply that to our own circumstances, these very things - tribulation, distress, persecution, produce in us the super-joy; they are not things to fight.
We are more than conquerors through Him in all these things, not in spite of them, but in the midst of them. The saint never knows the joy of the Lord in spite of tribulation, but because of it - "I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation," says Paul.
Undaunted radiance is not built on anything passing, but on the love of God that nothing can alter. The experiences of life, terrible or monotonous, are impotent to touch the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord...Oswald Chambers
I don't think I can 'self protect' and SURF at the same time........I WANT to surf!!!
amen to this post, sister!
we emerge stronger with God during and AFTER going through these trials.
Undaunted radiance...wow! I like that! Yeah, I wanna surf!
WOW! What a great post! I love it. I want to surf too!
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