In reading Colossians just so struck by the journey........
Why do we begin it? Noone can MAKE us .....We grow up in churches with parents and those in authority not trusting God enough to allow it to BE A JOURNEY......????
Not trusting God enough, that is the crux of it???
We live in a world where we 'think' we need to control all the evil, all the negative and before we know it that desire for control becomes it's own evil.......sounds so simplistic and I know it's just my own inner voice, unprocessed thoughts .......but look at this:
Col. 2: 2-4 I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God's great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. And we've been shown the mystery! I'm telling you this because I don't want anyone leading you off on some wild-goose chase, after other so-called mysteries, or "the Secret."
in touch with everything there is to know of God.....in touch with the Bible......it has to be about that.....because that is the only thing that contains all there is to know about God....the supernaturalness of the book, the words. It has the power to transform lives, to soften hearts.
If you take it out of the equation we come back to someone else's interpretation or worse yet our own, without it constantly tenderizing our hearts. What else has stood the test of time. Religions...no corrupted by people.......
Denominations within religions born of that corruption...that human desire to want it our way ALWAYS......
Religious leaders...they die.....some of them not founded in the simplicity of the BIBLE fall away but nevertheless they all die.....
The bible has been around, will be around..........a book so amazing that IF we can humbly submit to reading it life change is guaranteed....but the humble submission to it, not to any person or institution but to IT has to be foundational........
You can know about God but I don't believe you can know Him without this book.........
And you know what makes me the saddest this morning........noone could of told me this a couple of years ago....NOONE...
But you found out and now you are telling others and some of us will have our eyes opened by your words about The Word. Thank you, Becky. This was incredible, as always.
I think without Bible reading we create our own religion with our own Diety...we lose the focus of being swept up in His will for us, allowing Him to take control, and suddenly thinking we can fit Him in a unique little box of our own making...Amen sister for this post!
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