Cue the music......see the exploding tape recorder and.......
Your mission should YOU decide to accept it is : Think of a time when you were ready to give up, but someone’s encouragement kept you going. What did that person do that had such an impact on you? (Optional: Write a note to that person, telling him )
Great challenge!
I have one particular friend who, as my sister in the Lord, has inspired and motivated me many times to move on in HIm, to press in again when I've grown weary. she has been my sound board and I hers and the very sounding off to each other has motivated me to new pursuit and revelation. She has accepted me as a friend and has not been put off by my sometimes abrasive personality. she treats me as though I am a person of value and considers my thoughts with care but is not shy about disagreeing with me or asking for clarification when I am unclear. She and I have no common ground in the natural sense but certainly are one when it comes to Him...She has been a dear dear friend and i am so grateful for her...one of those who has dragged me to Christ when I had no strength in myself...
she knows it too...:)
BTW...I am currently unable to be with or share with her as we have done in the past due to circumstances beyond our control....blogging has filled in the gap somewhat and you are one of the people whose blog and friendship encourges me to keep trying to know Him...so Thank you!
Hey cool one! Umm... I have a story but it isn't quite faith based. It was when I ran Grandma's marathon in Duluth, MN. I was 20 years old and never ran a marathon before. I ended up running with this girl I met. She was great. In the last mile, I stopped running and started to walk. She grabbed me by the arm and said "come on!" So I started up again. I will never forget it either because when I stopped my legs throbbed so bad, the pain was unreal. I wouldn't of finished without her. We saw each other a couple months later but that was it. God helps me out of my slumps for sure, times when I am tired or irritable I look to him for help. He always has a way of showing me the way. I so love my relationship with the Lord. I just wish I could shout it out more.
That's exactly the type of story I was talking about.......places where people picked us up and helped us get going or maybe gave us that good kick in the butt that got us mad enough to try again!!
Thanks Tick loved it!
I have recently been encouraged by several genuine and gracious Christians when I felt that I was "beyond hope". One of those people is you. I would come to your blog and read it, I would send you emails spilling out my heart and sould, I would not hold back and you would listen. You didn't sugar coat your responses to me, you were honest in a loving way and reminded me that no one is beyond hope when they have Christ. Your words, and those of a few other friends, kept me going instead of doing what I wanted to do which was say "screw it, I am taking the easy way out even if it's unhealthy". Thank you.
It was just over VBS week. I had just lost Brandon and was sort of mired up in it. Bonnie at church saw me, came over to me, and put her arm around me and said, "How are you?" I said, "not to good", and she said, "If you need to talk you just call me!" I've already thanked her at Wednesday Prayer Meeting.
Well, I nearly dropped leading a small group right after I first started. It was so tough. My boundaries were all mixed up...I believe I was very co-dependent with people.
Weird...because my desire to meet other Christians via the web came out of that pain. (and here I am today...blogging away...)
My community leader provided much support to me through those months. What a blessing!
I immediately thought of my mom, not letting me quit the piano. To this day I'm so glad she made me stick it out. Perhaps I'll send her a note letting her know :-)
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