I am praising YOU
My daughter.....if what she is in had happened 2 weeks ago I don't know that she would have handled it as well as she is handling it now. She has been wrestling with You and You have met her, conquered her, comforted her to a degree that I can't help but PRAISE You for all of it!
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
My husband....dang that Man is incredible. Yesterday in my typical fashion placing the responsibility for us getting up firmly on his shoulders ( we can push the 'sleep' button time and time again) ....He got up and came to my side of the bed and whispered in my ear......Would love for you to come and spend some time with God and I.
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
Your word, Your Holy Spirit guiding and convicting and comforting those that read it with a seeking heart....never denied in turning to YOU....
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
The sunshine, the lengthening of our days as we enter into SUMMER. IMHO the best season of the year.....

I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
THE BEST TEACHERS to help us enjoy summer are little children. They do not yet work in offices. They do not own calendars with tasks crying out to be done. I love to see the parks fill up with young life each summer. … I am joining them for a day, lest I grow old before my time. … As a child, I was quite successful at living life fully, because I had not yet learned to live by the calendar. I lived by heart.Macrina Wiederkehr, in The Circle of Life
Your Spirit ready to enter into the lives of any and all who turn to YOU. Ready to join any and all on a journey to discovering a freedom that is staggering.
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
The journey....like any 'trip' full of deserts and oasis of rest, mountains where we can see and valleys where we can only see in front of us. Patches of curves that excite and straightaways where we can coast (but not for too long) because there is always another curve or u-turn just ahead. The journey traveled in and with Christ guiding us to other travelers and where we are always on the look out for other companions...looking to guide others to the way that is full of truth and light and unfathomable freedom.
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
The journey....like any 'trip' full of deserts and oasis of rest, mountains where we can see and valleys where we can only see in front of us. Patches of curves that excite and straightaways where we can coast (but not for too long) because there is always another curve or u-turn just ahead. The journey traveled in and with Christ guiding us to other travelers and where we are always on the look out for other companions...looking to guide others to the way that is full of truth and light and unfathomable freedom.

I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
For creative types...Writers, producers, directors, photographers and actors and all those who make the movies that entertain us in this summer of Block Busters. As much as I enjoy summer there is nothing like a diet coke and a popcorn in a darkened theater watching what THEY come up with.
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
For weddings... Summertime is full of unions.... and all they entail. Families getting together and celebrating the creation of a NEW family. Watching children dance in the middle of a bunch of young adults or even us old people who can't help but get into the Hip Hop beat and even some old school rap....Let's be honest now who can sit still when the kids get to dancing to
I am praising YOU
For creative types...Writers, producers, directors, photographers and actors and all those who make the movies that entertain us in this summer of Block Busters. As much as I enjoy summer there is nothing like a diet coke and a popcorn in a darkened theater watching what THEY come up with.
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
For weddings... Summertime is full of unions.... and all they entail. Families getting together and celebrating the creation of a NEW family. Watching children dance in the middle of a bunch of young adults or even us old people who can't help but get into the Hip Hop beat and even some old school rap....Let's be honest now who can sit still when the kids get to dancing to
For marriage......for the finding of that one special person. For marriages where they know that THAT person is NOT going to fill them up. For marriages where they know that the purpose is not their happiness, it's not their job to fill each other up but to love, challenge, encourage and walk with each other into a journey of Holiness. Gary Thomas says or rather asks....'what if the purpose of marriage is NOT to make us happy but to make us Holy.'.....For marriages committed to figuring that out.
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU Father this morning that no matter how alone we may 'feel' we are never truly ALONE.....You are ahead of us....You have our backs and ask that we operate in LOVE in that inbetween scary place knowing we are fully protected even when we are unsafe.
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU
I am praising YOU Father this morning that no matter how alone we may 'feel' we are never truly ALONE.....You are ahead of us....You have our backs and ask that we operate in LOVE in that inbetween scary place knowing we are fully protected even when we are unsafe.
I am praising YOU
Im praising Him right there with you!
Btw, "Praise you in this storm" is my life song. (My daughter is terminally ill, and God continues to bless us despite it!)
Still praising with you!
Thank you, AGAIN.
I am reading Gary Thomas's book now.
"I am praising YOU!"
beautiful, becky.. just beautiful. great post.
Diet coke and popcorn...that's too much.
Good post. Again.
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