James 1: 19-21 Post this at all the intersections, dear friends: Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear. God's righteousness doesn't grow from human anger. So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life.
I have this 'weed' in my life that like a dandelion left unpulled, roots and all can turn the landscape of my life from HIS green to yellow. The desire for PURPOSE. Pretty enough on it's own, unnoxious and yet left to seed becomes the driving force of my life. Not Christ.......MY PURPOSE......looking to DO something of value. When He says following Him....following Christ is my purpose.....But how to rid yourself of something that is soooo prolific? What is the weed of your life?
I am praising YOU for being the gardener....for lovingly landscaping our lives to YOUR PURPOSE.....
Can I pick more than one weed? I have a few. This was the PERFECT post to start my week off, thank you. I usually read you first thing when I get to work because more often than not you will leave me with something to ponder on all day.
I think Purpose is definitley one of mine...you read my meandering post, right? :)
I also think sarcasm or maybe thats cynicism can grip me if I don't watch out....it easy to feel that everything is useless cause nothing ever changes...and it doesn't, outside of Him...
I had to stop and think on this one...I hope none of these are blooming in me just now....much less going to seed. :)
the weed in my life is placing all of my worth into other people, not Him. i have been describing it as taking gifts, pure gifts that He has given me and tainting them by using them for my own recognition, admiration, praise. i find worth in people finding me to be a good listener, a kind-hearted friend, one who pushes toward God, just a little bit - just the safe amount, not so much that you might get mad at me and think differently of me. this weed grows back swiftly and a little more pungent each time i trim it back. oh, to make Him enough in every encounter...
Sloth, definitely, sloth.
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