Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Genesis 42 & 43; Psalm 5; Luke 17

A post that says it so well... please read....

A NEW post well worth the read.......

And yet another ......

Psalm 5: 11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Luke 17: 15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

One of the 10…the other nine…you wonder…afflicted the same way and in their healing, it’s just ‘oh cool’….or in showing the priest they somehow attribute their healing to them and stay and serve the priests…they didn't 'come back' and thank Him...….

I’m just thinking how I don’t remain GRATEFUL…..throwing myself at your feet and thanking You for:
A marriage of 30 years to a man who loves me more now than ever….who loves me more now because His focus is YOU….not in trying to ‘please me’…’make me happy’….but in serving You….He loves me more now…better now than ever and I hope and pray he would say the same……(well maybe catch him when I am Christ centered) but that's the amazing part....he loves me even when I'm not...because he knows I will refocus.....that I like him am a work in progress...I am knocked out GRATEFUL that YOU blessed us to do this together.....that You put us together...

Children all 3 of them and their significant others in vital journeys…wrestling with You...with truths in their own lives….in relationships on their own with Jesus Christ….all healthy and intelligent and beautiful…

That right there…..those I should be throwing myself at your feet thanking You……and I will….try to stay there….and in the trying is progress and in seeking YOU and YOUR will maybe someday I will….stay glad and sing for joy reveling in Your protection…..without You without that Gratitude .....I am......over and over at a dead end being about ME......

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