Friday, February 16, 2007

My words this morning are lost in tears….

Not tears of sadness or joy…..just a softness that keeps me leaking.

I desire strength and find myself beyond weak.

I desire wisdom and simplicity is the best I can muster.
Yesterday I was naked and exposed and liberated...
Today I am naked and exposed and scared....
What changed??

Liberation is scary...
Liberation means being honest ~ being honest is very scary.
Living LIBERATED in Freedom calls for initiative...The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination. A beginning or introductory step; an opening move: took the initiative in trying to solve the problem....I am without any of this.
Freedom calls for bravery...I've always been cowardly

Please Father let me not focus on what I'm not or where I'm at but where it is YOU desire me to go....I want to follow.


Bruce said...

Sometimes weak and simple are the best places to find yourself. I'm finding, unlike you, that I find myself lost in bondage.


holy chaos said...

doesn't Jesus use the broken,weak,and simple....

i think you are in pretty good company

keep the pic of where He wants you to go.

that's what i HAVE to do... His plans for us are good plans...

Bar L. said...

i think i am somewhere in between you and Bruce, like three B's in a pod.

lexi said...

"in your weakness, I am made strong".

He said it and i'm trying to rest my sheepish head in that thought and not try to figure Him out.

we live in one upside down world don't we? we are taught to be strong--so much that it no longer needs to be spoken for us to feel it's urge. yet He wants to be the strong one in this relationship.

"sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."--the fray

thank you for your tenderness and tears. both are beautiful. both are right where He wants you, on your journey and in mine.

Robert said...

initiative braveness boldness I so lack these qualities in the way I seem to think i should have them. Thank you for your pureness in sharing from your heart b. Wrestling everyday, needs to be every moment im finding more and more. have a wonderful blessed weekend!!

Jada's Gigi said...

reiterating what airlex your weakness he is made strong...I think that would be exactly where he wants us to be...weak...and free...Freedom does require bravery trying to follow a highway in the snow...few markers to guide, no walls or fences to confine...dangerously free...exciting...but very scary!..He is made strong!