Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Joshua 21&22;Psalm 47;1 Corinthians 10

I feel like a fish out of water, skin tight and unable to breathe when I am thinking more about me than others…..1 Corinthians 10: 24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others….this is new too because I think about me a lot….
I think I live my life looking out for me when You call me to a life of RISK…
I feel like a fish out of water when I am wanting more than looking at what I have.
I feel like a fish out of water when I am looking more at where I’m at than where I’ve been and where You’d have me go, risking everything because people coming to know YOU is more important than anything.
I feel like a fish out of water when I am looking for love more than loving.
I feel like a fish out of water when I …
I I I I I …..it’s all about me and more and more when I feel like a fish out of water I don’t want to jump back in…even though the relief would be quick……but I know the urge to jump back out would hit or maybe IF I continue to jump back in my heart will harden and I will just contentedly swim around the bowl instead of living this life of day to day…moment by moment surrender.
I feel like a fish out of water when ….maybe I just am a fish out of water????

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