Thursday, July 28, 2005

Stop this thing I want to get off....

It struck me yesterday that I spend alot of time whining, 'I need to focus on God' , instead of trying or just flat out doing it.....flat out focusing or trying to focus on God in everything .
Yesterday this blogging site http:// had a photo of a glass frame suspended a couple of inches or a foot in front of a photo of Christ and on the mirror you were to write your concerns and you saw the concerns but when you really looked and prayed God to CHANGE your would see the picture of Christ more and in seeing that illustration it hit me.....
I do a hell of alot of talking about something I should just DO.....
He's there, never's me losing sight, losing just being me.
I don't know if I explained it well and maybe it only makes sense to me but know this is my pattern, my sick carousel.....focusing on me or concerns or me more than on my carousel that I choose to ride and reride??
I am cashing in my ticket, ripping it up.....I don't want to get on it anymore....I am choosing to believe that I can rip it up that is...but I know I will have to remember this moment and rip it up every time......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. And thanks for the plug! I'm glad you found encouragement to dig deeper. I also really love that John Fischer quote on your sidebar. That gives me renewed inspiration and motivation to keep blogging. Keep on keeping on.