Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Wrestling with..........

I truly believe that we can KNOW alot of stuff but until we start actually wrestling with what we KNOW (have as knowledge)......we don't....know anything..... and seriously doncha think the MORE you know, discover, wrestle with..... the less you KNOW......
Two things are sticking with me before I am even half way through Uprising...by Erwin Raphael McManus...

'An attitude problem is arrogance.' Kind of like barking your shin or little toe on a chair this one hurts like hell and you cry out in pain and hop around and cuss and scream and then it just kind of settles down into this dull ache......one you cannot deny and that hangs with you for a long time. True enough and hard to swallow and yet when you do and you look at it and see the truth.....it just hurts all the time....my unteachableness came/comes from arrogance...my penchant for running, is not fear but arrogance......my continuing to jump on the sick carousel......arrogance.....??? One of those things you can deny or wrestle with but IF you do wrestle with it in the end you lose...you see the truth and............

'We must shed bitterness for forgiveness and gratitude .' It's a choice we have to make. We can choose to live in the past and in the strength or behind the wall that bitterness and unforgiveness provides, or that we think it does. But in the end the wall does us more harm than good it keeps us bitter, protecting us from new experiences that can heal. Forgiveness and Gratitude must replace bitterness for us to see........bitterness blinds and forgiveness and gratitude opens our eyes to the amazing.....opens our eyes to really see how and where God wants us to go, where He's had us....but bitterness blinds us..

Both of these things have me in thought....have me in prayer.....

1 comment:

Curious Servant said...

I wanted to visit your site and thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I appreciate your prayers a great deal. They have lent us strength and protection (New posting about that).

Thank you again for your kindness.

God Bless.