Monday, December 12, 2005

It's not emergent or anything else....It's US isn't it??? We want what we want when we want it ALL THE FLIPPIN TIME!! Sometimes we just hide it better than others???

"Lord, indeed invade and conquer my heart today. Bring me to my knees in complete surrender; break me; shatter my strength and wipe out my resistance. Invade my nature today and conquer me for Your glory. Amen."

Father, I know Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live in me when I became a Christian. I ask that my stubborn will and that my sinful desires can be overcome with the Spirit's power, and that my life will display the joy and confidence that your refreshing presence brings. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Scary prayers BOTH of them and yet I cannot help but pray them...they both came in my email this very morning...attached to devotionals that speak deeply into my heart, my journey...I want to say ENOUGH!!! but I know it's only begun and there is so much of ME to be broken. I truly believe the fragrance of Christ does not waft off of of me.... until we/I are broken vessels and THAT..... I am fighting and will continue to fight so I need to PRAY and in praying scary prayers like this...see....and hear...."Do not be afraid for I am with you." .......


Curious Servant said...

It is frustrating to be so weak isn't it?!

Jesus commented on that when his disciples couldn't even stay awake during His toughest hour.

But perhaps the desire, and the frequent U turns warms His heart as well.

God bless.

lexi said...

i think these devos were just what i needed and didn't want to hear this morning. thanks for sending them my way.

this seems to be a reoccuring theme in my life right now and i can't imagine why. . . more of Him and less of me. the more of Him part excites me . . . it's the less of me part that has gotten me worried:)

so i go said...

love that prayer, and love your response to it.. to just pray it.. "i cannot help but pray"..