Thursday, December 29, 2005

Rev. 10-14

Rev. 13:10..........This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.
Rev. 14: 12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.

This morning as I read Revelations never quite fully understanding it...these phrases jumped out at me....patient endurance and faithfulness.....

Endurance implies trials and hardship and trouble and less than pleasant circumstances, having been, being a quitter, endurance is a NEW word for me. And here He asks for PATIENT endurance.....

Patient endurance......focused on Christ will be my only hope. Focused or even fleetingly thinking about me and what I can or could do just makes me want to QUIT. I have wrestled myself to an understanding of Jesus and who He is to and for me that I HEAR it this time........patient endurance. In being loved I CAN love and endure whatever until HE creates in me the LOVE He calls me to have.....???????????


Curious Servant said...

Hi Becky! Tell me more about what is going on.

Tom said...

Wow, that was heavy. Lots of emotion and thought. Keep writing!