Seems as though more and more... ….I ..
No I still wrestle but don’t so publicly expose such foolishness…figure what’s the point it’s the same thing over and over…You trying to teach me something and my resistance to being taught…..
Praising You has been an amazing experience…one that brings me back to WORSHIP…..I wonder often about the strife in the world, the amazing amount of suffering. I wonder often about illnesses and death…..I wonder often about all sorts of stuff that I can DO nothing about so then I figure why wonder…..perhaps the T-Rex of tyranny inside me is being…is dying…..or…….
1 Peter 4: 1-2 Since Jesus went through everything you're going through and more, learn to think like him. Think of your sufferings as a weaning from that old sinful habit of always expecting to get your own way. Then you'll be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrannized by what you want.
Some days that is exactly what it feels like......
Dying to self and living for Him...one of the biggest U-turns in life is realizing we are made to be a part of something that often doesn't leave us center stage...I to worry and fret over things I can't change and struggle and fight and resist the change God sets in my heart...you always nourish me!
It also makes me realize the importance of weaning at a YOUNG age, including our Christian life and development. Had I been weaned as a 'young christian' I wouldn't find myself so bound now!
die, die, die...to what you want to your own way...this new LIfe in Christ is one of dying and losing...Life only comes from death...beauty from ashes!
I was thinking the same thing, that there is no reason to tell over and over of my same old fights inside myself~
kpjara, these things come only with maturity.
I was raised in church, 'got saved' at 11, applied myself diligently to the beckoning of God that my spirituality felt, but letting go of Things is never easy. Most of us stay bound till we're seasoned Christians. Some are never free of their binds, though they spend their whole life trying to learn to renounce the hold of Things over their soul.
yes, Kansas Bob said something of this that resonated. If we keep after the stuff WE want, we are thinking of God as Santa Claus.
He is constantly "weaning" me....constantly...when will I learn?
Same old battles. Same old demons. Same old T-Rex. When will we ever learn?
I missed having a “Christian Blog” so I started one today. Its about my struggles mostly because that’s what my spiritual life feels like – a huge battle, and I don’t know who’s winning. I hope you stop by to visit: Prodigal Daughter the link is:
Hey BJK, been a while since I've been able to read and post on other blogs. I feel just as you feel right now. This praising has kept me focused on the cross and less on my struggle. It's like looking into God's eyes and slowing down...it is easier to rest in him and surrender...to stop struggling...
I love the T-Rex photo here. This is too cool. Glad to read ya'll continue to praise! Amen, sister!
How was the wedding?? Are you back yet?
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