Life can feel like a roller coaster ride, the chink chink chink of the chains taking you to the very top.....everything coming together and making sense and yet.....at the top.....you don't stay. After getting to the top.....the rush....there is in all likelyhood a big drop coming........PRIDE....will inevitably get in the way and ..
back down again......VACATION..........chink'
I know.....I have learned....that it is in the valleys that I grow......chink'
I know.....I have learned....this is nothing I can or have earned .......chink'
I know......I have learned....there is nothing to be gained by running away.......chink'
I know......I have learned....that all YOU need is me to be available....to be faithful.......chink'
I know......I have learned....I am NEVER alone.......chink'
I know......that after the rain comes the rainbow ...I saw one come in after the rain on the bike on the ride in Colorado, more than once ....so stormy and then there it is the sun and......chink'
I know..... I have learned ....that I get to thinking .....I KNOW too much........ .......
I'm on it though you know, this roller coaster and I can't get off.....to get off would be to miss the life YOU have planned for me....I don't even think I want to get off anymore.....I used to be a quitter...please God I don't want to be any longer.....I think YOU are changing me........
I found this this morning in rereading some of my journals....woke up sour, you know just back from vacation in the routine again...sour.......in reading Daniel seeing that it was his doing what he'd always done in faith.....the king said of his God, of MY God....He is a saviour and a rescuer.
Daniel 6: 25-27 King Darius published this proclamation to every race, color, and creed on earth:
Peace to you! Abundant peace!
I decree that Daniel's God shall be worshiped and feared in all parts of my kingdom.
He is the living God, world without end.
His kingdom never falls. His rule continues eternally.
He is a savior and rescuer.
He performs astonishing miracles in heaven and on earth.
He saved Daniel from the power of the lions
Daniel lived out so faithfully God's plan for his life that an unbeliever ended up Praising God...... God's plan only needs my being available......and then
Luke 3: 7-9 When crowds of people came out for baptism because it was the popular thing to do, John exploded: "Brood of snakes! What do you think you're doing slithering down here to the river? Do you think a little water on your snakeskins is going to deflect God's judgment? It's your life that must change, not your skin. And don't think you can pull rank by claiming Abraham as 'father.' Being a child of Abraham is neither here nor there—children of Abraham are a dime a dozen. God can make children from stones if he wants. What counts is your life. Is it green and blossoming? Because if it's deadwood, it goes on the fire."
10The crowd asked him, "Then what are we supposed to do?"
11"If you have two coats, give one away," he said. "Do the same with your food."
What if you know....what if HIS PLAN is not for me to be wealthy but to be generous??? What if we all as believers followed HIS PLAN........What if I did??
Moving, touching.... now left me thinking... chink'...praising...and still seeking Him...
Good post!! What a roller coaster ride it is. but don't get off...wouldn't miss it for anything!
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