Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Job 3&4; Acts 8&9

Acts 8:1……On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.

After Stephen’s stoning ….’all except the apostles were scattered’…before this everyone did everything together and their numbers grew. Job specifically mentions a conversation between God and satan……THIS evil of satan or just us being so messed up a people , just messed up and??? ….Just us isn’t it?

Stephen calls out the resistance to a life dependent on God, a spirit driven/led life, an apostolic life lived in community giving everything to each other for each other, I know I know I am oversimplifying but.….
Acts 7: 51"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit!...
read it he’s calling them out in their stubbornness and they don’t like it… the point of gnashing their teeth at him and stoning him…..stiffnecked and too prideful and resistant to the Holy Spirit…...we live, I live in that world now, full of fear of a life lived in and under the power of a God not seen. A postmodern world looking for an ‘experience’ without the obedience …without any ‘book’ holding sway over our hearts – fear drove the stoning of Stephen, fear rules our world now.

Acts 8:29
The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it."
I pray to ‘hear’ from YOU and even recognize the counterintuitive choice…but…what if……what if I heard something ‘weird’ or just out there…..would I ….could I respond? And what could I, what have I missed when I don’t? (ie Philips exchange with the eunuch)

Just an observation, but alot of supernatural….spirit took Philip away…Philip appeared…..Saul to Paul conversion…..obedience of Ananias……Just observations as I read telling me that YOU DO what YOU DO WHEN YOU DO IT… job is to obey when you ask…listen enough to be asked….be open and expectant to being asked.

It’s so about YOU
And in being about You we must become less about us...I must become less about me....
In the becoming less about us there is humble expectation and in the humble expectation YOU YOU do amazing things….things about YOU and flippin amazing!
And somehow in the cycle we become about US and have to start over..all of history us becoming about US and having to start over to u-turn….when YOUR PLAN
Our purpose…OUR SUCCESS is in being about YOU.

*There is nothing we can DO to make you love us more. There is nothing we can DO to make you love us less. Yancy
*The point of the journey is to want what you want MORE than anything. Crabb
*Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
*Acts 9: 31Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.

It’s like I see the connection – this elusive airy thread running through it and I just can’t quite catch it…..but every once in awhile it drifts across my cheek..across my eyelash….
Just know it’s there
Know YOU are there…never leaving
I must stay
Stop running away…full of faith and expectation without form to the expectation….just stay……


Bar L. said...

Thank you for my morning devotional! This was perfect - it says it all really. Its all about Him. JUST STAY. "Stop running away…full of faith and expectation without form to the expectation….just stay……"

this is a keeper for sure.

Jada's Gigi said...

living in the spirit, walking in the spirit is very elusive...its like following the wind...following your nose...and you are so right, He does do what He does when He does it...and if we are following His scent...we can sometimes...get in on something utterly divine...